Saturday, 17 November 2007

Jumble sale bargains

Here are the things I bought at the jumble sale last week - total expenditure £4!

A pine beveled mirror, three books, a ball of wool - and for the rabbits, a blanket and a wicker basket to play with.

The blanket will be something to keep the bunnies warm in the winter - and I've painted the frame of the mirror and hope to hang it up later this weekend.



Anonymous said...

You got some nice finds there at the jumble sale. I love a good jumble but we just never seem to have any in this corner of Essex.

Claire said...


Just found your blog via Elizabeth's. The needlework book is what I refer to as the "bible" of crafts - I was bought it as a child, and it has helped me on so many times that my copy is starting to like quite battered now. Some great finds there though

Best wishes

Alchamillamolly said...

Hi just found your blog - its lovely - I read with interest your comments on nasty blogs and like you I cant believe that people can be bothered so much venom on others. I have to admit I havent come across one yet and definitely dont have any desire to. I wish you and yours a lovely Christmas and I shall read more of your blog when I am off over the season as like you I work full time - this is posted at 7.25 am when I should now be getting ready so I am off!